Quoting Sebastian Andrzej Siewior (2016-11-16 00:01:06)
> On 2016-11-15 17:42:59 [+0100], Daniel Pocock wrote:
> > Would the OpenSSL maintainers and/or release managers consider 
> > making a wiki page about the transition with the most common 
> > questions about it, similar to the upstream wiki but with a Debian 
> > focus?
> I started one at
>         https://wiki.debian.org/OpenSSL-1.1


> > The questions which come to my mind (and may already be answered):
> > 
> > - will it definitely go ahead for stretch?
> > 
> > - will the stretch freeze and release dates be delayed to allow 
> > people to catch up?
> > 
> > - is it expected that package maintainers spend time patching for 
> > this, or we can wait for upstreams to support it?
> - BTS user tags bugs. All bugs reported by Kurt and myself were user
>   tagged.

 - will those user-tagged bugs properly track all related issues too?

As an example, Bug#828590 for uwsgi is currently being addressed.  When 
I can hopefully upload that package tomorrow, the package evidently no 
longer fails to build from source and the FTBFS bug can therefore be 
closed.  But at the same time other bugs - less severe, but directly 
caused by the conflicting libssl libraries - will emerge¹.  I can try to 
treat such collateral issues as related - e.g. by cloning and adapting, 
and/or by keeping open the original bug and renaming it, and maybe by 
user-tagging (if someone documents what tagging is suitable - I sure 
don't want to make things worse by sloppy bug tagging).  But it seems to 
me that there is a real risk that some of the bugs tracked in above wiki 
page may miss out on some similar collateral problems in other packages.

 - Jonas

¹ uwsgi build-depends not only on libssl-dev, but also libapache-dev, 
php-dev and libcurl4-openssl-dev now linking against conflicting 
libssl*-dev packages.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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