On Mon, 28 Aug 2017, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> It would be helpful if somebody has one of the 1996 packages snapshots
> and can share how the changelogs were at that point of time. That
> might give a bit of reference as to how things were and if there were
> any changes between them and now.


Will give you glibc 5, from 1998, but the packaging is from 1999.  It
already had separate changelogs.

> Also the crucial question if whether this idea came in Debian first
> and then flowed to other distributions or was it was first used in
> Redhat and then came to Debian would be interesting in itself.

Sorry, I have no idea about that.  But it is such an obvious thing to do
once you have "distro versions" (which RedHat *already had*), that I'd
bet the dual changelogs came from whomever started with distro-specific
versioning first.

Take a look at early slackware, it is the oldest you can still find.


  Henrique Holschuh

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