> Hi,
> the openssl package provides the c_rehash script which creates the links
> from XXXXXXXX.Y to the actual certificate in /etc/ssl/certs/. During the
> transition from 0.9.8 to 1.0.0 the hash (for the X part) changed from
> md5 to sha1. Since that transition in Debian the c_rehash script
> provides both symlinks: the old hash (md5) and the new (sha1) one. 
> The c_rehash script is considered by upstream as a fallback script and
> will disappear at some point. The recommended way is to use the "openssl
> rehash" command instead which appeared in 1.1.0.  This command creates
> half that many symlinks (one per certificate instead of two) because it
> uses only the sha1 hash. There is also the -compat option which creates
> both symlinks (and behaves like c_rehash currently does) but as
> explained above it should not be required to use it.

I thought it was worth mentioning that the behavior of 'openssl rehash'
when encountering a duplicate certificate was to return 1 while
'c_rehash' would return 0. I say was because I filed an upstream bug[1]
about it which was resolved.

This difference in behavior resulted in the following Debian and Ubuntu
bug reports.


We've gone ahead and patched openssl in Ubuntu for the 18.04 release but
it would be good to get openssl updated in Debian.

[1] https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/6083

Brian Murray

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