
On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 02:13:13PM +0900, Asavaseri Natnaree wrote:
> Dear Debian developers, 
> I am Natnaree Asavaseri and currently undertaking a research internship at 
> Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. Note that we are not biased 
> to either GitHub or Microsoft, and this is purely from an empirical research 
> perspective. 
> As a part of my research in the field of Software Engineering (SE), my 
> professors and I are analyzing the impact of Microsoft's acquisition of 
> GitHub. The main purpose of my survey is understanding how developers 
> perceive the Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, especially from contributors 
> to Linux distributions and BSD families. If the survey is successful, we will 
> publish our findings at SE academic venues (journals or conference).
> So please consider voicing your opinion by allowing us up to 5 minutes to 
> complete my short survey. 
> https://goo.gl/forms/lbIL5qsinDRQyTaK2 

This questionnaire contains an error:

Which statement best describes your current situation with any of your
contributed projects? *

* The projects that I contribute to the most is currently using GitHub
  (currently using GitHub)
* One of the projects that have made contributions has already left GitHub
  (used before but not now)
* All projects that I contribute to have never used GitHub (none of the above)

None of these options apply to me:

- Debian does not use GitHub and has never done so (so the first option
  is not correct)
- None of the projects that I contribute to have left github (so that is
  also not correct)
- I do contribute to some projects that use github and continue to do so
  (so the last option is also not correct).

Since it's marked as "none of the above" I suspect you really meant
something else for that last option. Since it's also marked as a
required option, I can't skip it, so I've chosen the last one -- but I
suspect your answers on that question may be for some people.

Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!?

  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

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