On Tue, 16 Jul 2019, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> > 2) introduce firewalld as the default firewalling wrapper in Debian, at 
> > least in
> > desktop related tasksel tasks.
> No objection. I think it's high time we have some default firewall
> installed in particular with IPv6 getting more widely deployed...
> The other desktop firewall that I know is "ufw" but it doesn't seem to
> have any momentum behind it.

Again, I'm biased, but ufw supports IPv6. It's also been on the default server
and desktop install of Ubuntu for 9+ years. ufw functions well for bastion
hosts, less so for routers (though it has some facility there). Perhaps the
perceived 'lack of momentum' has to do with a lack of feature development, but
for the primary bastion host case, I haven't deemed this necessary.

Email: ja...@strandboge.com
IRC:   jdstrand

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