On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 01:08:41PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
Simon Richter <s...@debian.org> writes:

In the same way, we could have had automatic restart of services through
sysvinit easily: an include mechanism that allows additional inittab
lines to be pulled from /etc/inittab.d/* would be trivial to
implement. That it hasn't been done is not because no one has thought
about it in the last thirty years, but because its use is rather

Er, well... speaking as someone who tried to keep daemons running via
inittab and then gave up and tried using monit for a while, and then
switched to djb daemontools (all back before systemd existed), I'm not
sure this is quite right.  Those who tried to use this facility quickly
discovered that sysvinit was rather bad at it, and therefore started using
something else.

Yup. Regardless of those who keep insisting that systemd doesn't add anything to a server environment, people happily using it for servers disagree. I assume those who insist that sysvinit did everything right simply either forget the problems it had or just accepted its limitations.

Note that this is not a statement about Linux sysvinit specifically -- my
experiences were originally on Solaris.  The flaws in using inittab to
keep services running were universal among UNIX implementations.

And until we got rid of legacy limitations, there was no way forward because everything was met with "but this is how its always worked and you'll never manage to change things on those other systems".

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