On Sun, 11 Aug 2019, Adam Borowski wrote:
> A SysV init script being naturally a script makes hacking in fixes
> much easier, both for the admin and maintainer. For example,
> restarting connman with systemd means no wifi unless you restart twice
> (or stop, wait, start), this works with sysvinit:
>   restart|force-reload)
>         log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC"
>         do_stop
>         sleep 1
>         do_start
>         log_end_msg $?
>         ;;

Probably the sleep 1 should really be in do_stop, and then the parallel
implementation in systemd is just to add

ExecStop=/bin/sleep 1

[This is to avoid `service connman stop; service connman start;` being 

> I don't know of a way to ask firmware if something is still winding
> down

If someone figures out how to do this, you'd just replace the sleep with
such a command.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

"The trouble with you, Ibid" he said, "is that you think you're the
biggest bloody authority on everything"
 -- Terry Pratchet _Pyramids_ p146

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