Am Dienstag, den 07.01.2020, 16:18 -0500 schrieb Noah Meyerhans:

> For upgrades from versions that did not include the timer, should I
> enable the systemd timer if the user has set CRON=1?

I disagree here. I don't want you to overrule my decision for a cron-script. If
a user has enabled a cron-job you shouldn't change that to a systemd timer unit
without the user's explicit approval.

> Or should I leave
> the timer disabled and preserve the original behavior via cron.daily?

See below for a possible "middle way".

> If the timer and the cron activity are both enabled, the cron script
> will be a no-op.  This is accomplished with the following in the cron
> script:
> if command -v systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
>        systemctl is-enabled spamassassin-daily-maintenance.timer; then
>     exit 0
> fi

Sounds fine.

> Would you do this a different way?

Please ask during installation and give the question an appropriate priority.
By choosing the priority you can even achieve a "silent" transition for
"normal" users and let more advanced users decide.

Regards, Daniel

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