On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 2:13 PM Simon McVittie wrote:

> For scripting languages like sh and Python, I'm not sure: either way
> could be appropriate. Which is more common: sharing scripts as source
> code to read and edit, or sharing scripts as executables to download
> and run as-is? If the former, text/ makes sense, if the latter,
> application/.

I would lean towards encouraging review of scripts rather than
downloading and executing them.

> If scripts and other source code are to be served as application/*, it
> would be good to check that all our "programmer's editor"-style programs
> have a MIME association set up for that type. In an extremely quick survey
> of the .desktop files of editors I happen to have installed on my GNOME
> laptop: gedit (a text editor) only registers itself to handle text/plain,
> GNOME Builder (an IDE for programmers) handles both text/ and application/
> for a wide variety of languages, and gvim (a text editor in hard mode :-)
> mostly only handles text/ types, except for application/x-shellscript
> where it only has application/ and not text/ for whatever reason.

application/x-shellscript seems to have wider support than text/x-shellscript:




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