On Fri, 11 Mar 2022 10:45:50 -0500, Michael Stone <mst...@debian.org>
>I don't have a really strong preference either way. Maybe carry a patch 
>until just before freeze to bubble stuff up during testing? Maybe allow 
>an environment variable to override (either way?) to facilitate testing? 
>The problem is that the systems most likely to blow up (because they're 
>using ancient scripts) are also really unlikely to suddenly start using 
>dot usernames, so breaking them for the sake of correctness on other 
>systems seems gratuitous. If there isn't already, maybe some kind of 
>lintian script check (though that seems probably challenging for static 
>analysis)? In the end, there are already so many ways to shoot yourself 
>in the foot with shell scripts if you don't follow all the disorganized 
>rules every single time that letting this be the reason to disallow dot 
>usernames seems extreme.

[^[:alpha:]]chown[[:space:]][^[:space:]]+\.[^[:space:]] is found 829
times in Debian, mostly in docs and comments, but also in a few live
scripts. I think that we still have some way to go until we get rid of
the dot notation in chown calls.

This would be a nice idea for an MBF. Sadly I do not have the time to
do that. I have filed a wishlist bug for a lintian check.

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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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