Am 19.05.23 um 19:23 schrieb Cyril Brulebois:

Andrew M.A. Cater <> (2023-05-19):
I'd honestly suggest *just* publishing DVD1 for i386.

Netinst requires internet access: DVD1 can be used to install a basic
system without this. Scrap *everything else* for i386 installation media.

I'm not sure how dropping one netinst ISO is going to change anything in
debian-cd: that's a very fast build, that's a small, single ISO, and not
having to download several GBs seems quite appealing to me. Having DVD1
only would really not seem acceptable to me.

I'm also very much *not* in favour of dropping images just *days* before
the release, without any kind of heads-up.


That said, I also support the idea of dropping (at least) the installer media for i386 in trixie, so I like Ansgar's proposal of using the bookworm release notes to prepare our users for that.

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