Dominik George <> writes:

> For the GitHub case, the problematic terms would be that in order to
> register for a GitHub account, users must be at least 13 or 16 years old
> (depending on the jurisdiction) ant must not live in a country under US
> embargoes.

This implies that Salsa is happy to create accounts for people under the
age of 13, since the implicit statement here is that Debian's own Git
hosting infrastructure is less excluding than GitHub.

That's a somewhat surprising statement to me, given the complicated legal
issues involved in taking personal data from someone that young, so I want
to double-check: is that in fact the case?

(US embargoes are indeed going to be a problem for any service hosted in
the United States, and possibly an issue, depending on the details, for
any maintainer with US citizenship even if they're using a site hosted
elsewhere.  I would not dare to venture an analysis without legal advice.)

Russ Allbery (              <>

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