'Wichert Akkerman wrote:'
>Previously Chris Fearnley wrote:
>> But yesterday I upgraded a bo system to hamm which has a 3000 line
>> /etc/passwd.  Now adduser takes OVER ONE MINUTE to find a UID and GID
>> for the new user.  And my staff is complaining about the wasted time.
>Are you sure it's a problem with perl? I've had the same problem with
>tar becoming dog-slow because I had `compat' in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
>Changing that to `nis files' fixed the speed-problem.

Goodness, the libc6 docs on the NSS mechanism are horrible.  But in
the interests of experimentation, I tried changing this from "compat"
to "files".  Still dog-slow.

>You could probably use strace to check what is really causing the delay.

I did try strace it looked like it was doing illions of open's and
then mmap's on /etc/shadow at the point where it was slow.  Here is
the recurring part of the strace:
open("/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY)           = 5
fcntl(5, F_GETFD)                       = 0
fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0
fstat(5, {st_mode=0, st_size=0, ...})   = 0
lseek(5, 0, SEEK_CUR)                   = 0
read(5, "root
After 12 reads on /etc/shadow, it repeats.  I added print statements
to adduser and it looks like it was the get_current_uid subroutine
where the performance problem occurs.  It has a loop on getpwent.
Maybe it's the C library that is buggy?

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
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