On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 03:24:23PM -0700, David Welton wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 12:18:21AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Marc Singer wrote:
> > > I installed it yesterday to get a glimpse at what they are doing.  I'd
> > > say it should be left out because it doesn't really work.  It is a
> > > fine demonstration, but it doesn't add value to Debian until it can be
> > > used either a) to hack against, or b) to provide a workable desktop
> > > environment. 
> > 
> > There are two big values.  a) Marketing: Debian ships with Gnome, the
> > new desktop environment.  b) Publicity: Look that's *the* desktop
> > environment
> Well, what happens when lots of people try it, see that it is broken,
> and associate Gnome with being broken and unstable?  That said, I
> don't think that will happen if it is loudly declared to be *ALPHA
> SOFTWARE*, and I think everyone will benefit from more copies being
> distributed, and vote in favor of shipping.

It's alpha software, but it's free and doesn't break your system. Let's ship it.

If we are going to remove all packages which are buggy, we have to
ship an empty CD ROM. Bug free software doesn't seem to exist per definition :)

Who cares if Gnome is buggy? People who want to use it will use it, and find
bugs and report them, they'll do some testing. We need to encourage testing.
This is how the bazaar model works. As long as people don't expect it to work
smoothly, there's no problem.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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