On 16 Oct 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> If we are going to staret removing packages because of the quality of
> the software, wonderful. I move to remove all traces of the travesty
> of editors, vi, from Debian, since obviously as editors they are less
> than alpha quality software.

and we should get rid of that emacs thing too. any editor which takes
that much memory and takes that long to start up is way too bloated to
be in debian. :-)

(a joke.  i'm not serious.  read on for a more serious comment.)

> I also want to remove csh and variants, cause they all suck 
> And we should remove them right now, like yesterday.

agreed.  i'd vote for that.

(i'll leave it up to the reader to decide whether i'm serious about this
one or not :)

> Since when has Debian yanked software that seems to work based on
> quality? It is not as if there were higher quality older versions that
> were superceded by inferior versins; this is new software, and not
> likely to violate the principle of least surprise.

ordinarily i would agree with you on this issue. 

however, Jim Pick (who wrote the original message suggesting that gnome
should be removed) is the maintainer of the gnome packages. 

i reckon it's his call...if he doesn't want the bug reports from alpha
quality software, that's up to him to decide.

maybe a compromise would be to leave the packages in slink, make sure
the Description: field highlights their alpha status, and automatically
close all non-packaging bugs (and forward them upstream if it makes
sense to do so).


craig sanders

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