>>"Stephane" == Stephane Bortzmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Stephane> On Saturday 17 October 1998, at 21 h 56, the keyboard of Rob 
 >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >> Unless you're logged in as root, you're not going to be able to build
 >> these example files inside /usr/doc (nor should you) anyway, so you'll
 >> have to copy them somewhere else.  You can run gunzip on them then and
 >> there's no problem.

 Stephane> It means that the sysadmin has to create /usr/local/doc,
 Stephane> and, foreach package, create a subdirectory in it and
 Stephane> uncompress the files in that subdirectory?  Then, after
 Stephane> each upgrade he has to do the same? After each removal, she
 Stephane> has to remember to delete the subdirectory?

        Staw man. You mean you really build all the examples in all
 packages? really? Set up a cron job to clean all /usr/local dirs
 after no mods in a month., Set up a cron job to cp -a dirs after
 changes in /usr/doc. 

        In reality, one really only compiles examples in a handful of
 packages, and one can do that anywhere.

 Stephane> To me, this completely defeats the purpose of having
 Stephane> packages. I believe I'm reading the messages of Slackware
 Stephane> fans explaining that building/installing everything by hand
 Stephane> is not a such fuss.

        You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to my opinion
 of your opinion. 

 hacker, n.: Originally, any person with a knack for coercing stubborn
 inanimate things; hence, a person with a happy knack, later
 contracted by the mythical philosopher Frisbee Frobenius to the
 common usage, 'hack'. In olden times, upon completion of some
 particularly atrocious body of coding that happened to work well,
 culpable programmers would gather in a small circle around a first
 edition of Knuth's Best Volume I by candlelight, and proceed to get
 very drunk while sporadically rending the following ditty: Hacker's
 Fight Song He's a Hack!  He's a Hack! He's a guy with the happy
 knack! Never bungles, never shirks, Always gets his stuff to work!
 All take a drink (important!)
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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