On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 12:52:19PM +0000, Jules Bean wrote:
> > 3) However, if someone were to create xfnt-* packages which *Depend* on
> > the corresponding xfont-* package, then the user will automatically
> > install the new xfont-*, which will in turn automatically deinstall the
> > xfnt-*, so the cruft doesn't hang around.
> > 
> > Branden, do you object to this last?
> Yes, but if it gets to the point where someone else will do it if I don't,
> then I will do it.
> I'd still rather we explored alternatives.

I think it got to that point. The upgrade should be smooth, and I think 
this is important enough for the credibility of Debian, so if you don't
create those dummy packages, I will probably do.

However, I have still a question: It is really *so* important for you to
rename the packages *now*, when dpkg does not support it in an elegant way?

Would not be much easier, simpler, creates less confusion and trouble,
etc. not to rename them for now?

If creating a problem makes it to have an ugly solution, why don't
just eliminate both the ugly solution and the problem?

 "d5fe503881811b001c67a618b2f084e1" (a truly random sig)

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