On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, David Bristel wrote:

> <Off topic>
> The only feature it lacks is the ability to do automated account setup from
> another script.  (Which is the ONLY thing that apache does better than Roxen).
> Maybe I'll tinker a bit and make a module for auto-creation of new web 
> accounts
> from a shell script or something. Until then, for web hosting, Apache is the
> better choice.
> </Off topic>

Hmmm... what about SQL user auth module, user filesystem, and creating
web accounts into a mysql table? You can authenticate your web, ftp,
pop3 servers from it, and with a few lines of RXML/Pike the user can
change his password from a browser via https. I think this can be very
well automated. If you want a virtualhost per user, even a siple
shell/perl script can fill a server template (or Pike script if you'd
better like creating users from a web interface :))

(or I'm misunderstanding what you mean as 'web account'..)


..all in all it's just another rule in the firewall. 

                                         /Ping Flood/

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