Look at http://jordan.fortwayne.com/oracle

The install for Redhat 6.x is described there.

There is five compat-... packages mentioned which should be installed.

Convert them to .deb packages with alien. (no options needed).

Install the deb-s. You need to chmod +x one file, I don't remember which,
I think /usr/i386-glibc20-linux/lib/ld-2.0.7.so

With these packages you can carry out the instruction mentioned at that
Feel free to change the paths to different ones from the ones in that


Robert Varga

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Matthias Klose wrote:

> Debian does not provide a glibc-2.0, which is installable on potato.
> What about Oracle 8.1.6, is it compiled for glibc-2.1?
> Greg writes:
>  > We need to install Oracle 8.0.5 on Potato but compiler reports 
>  > some errors due to incompatibility glibc2.0 with glibc2.1 at
>  > the source level. On Slink everything was ok.
>  > 
>  > My chief said, that there is a package for RedHat, solving
>  > that kind of trouble. (compat-glibc 5.2-
>  > 
>  > Is there Debian package like that?
>  > Any advice?
>  > Can I install this .rpm package on Debian potato ? Is it safe ?
>  > I think it can be made simpler...
>  > 
>  > p.s.
>  > please, forward this mail to anybody, who may help,
>  > because we need _fast_ solution...
>  > 
>  > Gregory Belenky
>  > WebZavod programmer (http://www.webzavod.ru)
> -- 
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