On 2017-11-20 20:47, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Mikulas Patocka, on lun. 20 nov. 2017 19:13:31 +0100, wrote:
> > There is package libc6-amd64:i386 and libc6-amd64:x32 (which provide
> > x86-64 libc in /lib64/). This package is not technically needed (because
> > x86-64 libc is already installed in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/), but it is
> > installed nonetheless because of some dependencies.
> The issue of libc6-amd64:i386 conflicting with libc6:amd64 is not new, I
> tried to do it in the past, just to see, with the same kind of effect as
> you had.
> The question is rather how that got pulled at all. What package thinks
> it's a good idea to pull libc6-amd64?  Apart from libc64* packages
> (which should normally not get pulled either), I can see uc-echo which
> should rather use foreign dependencies, and :i386 multilib packages
> which don't really make sense to install either.
> I don't remember whether it was tried to make libc6-amd64:i386 conflict
> with libc6:amd64 (and vice-versa for i386) to make sure that this
> doesn't happen by misfortune?

Arch-qualified conflicts are not supported. What you can do is make
libc6-amd64 and libc6:amd64 not coinstallable (by changing the Replaces
into a Conflicts). Maybe it's time to do it and let GCC enjoy multiarch
+ multilib pain.

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurel...@aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net

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