
On 06/29/2018 09:16 AM, Uwe Kleine-König wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 08:03:00PM +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> armel/armhf:
>> ------------
>>  * Undesirable to keep the hardware running beyond 2020.  armhf VM
>>    support uncertain. (DSA)
>>    - Source: [DSA Sprint report]
>> [DSA Sprint report]:
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2018/02/msg00004.html
> In this report Julien Cristau wrote:
>> In short, the hardware (development boards) we're currently using to
>> build armel and armhf packages aren't up to our standards, and we
>> really, really want them to go away when stretch goes EOL (expected in
>> 2020).  We urge arm porters to find a way to build armhf packages in
>> VMs or chroots on server-class arm64 hardware.
> If the concerns are mostly about the hardware not being rackable, there
> is a rackable NAS by Netgear:
> https://www.netgear.com/business/products/storage/readynas/RN2120.aspx#tab-techspecs
> with an armhf cpu. Not sure if cpu speed (1.2 GHz) and available RAM (2
> GiB) are good enough. The machine can run mainline Linux[1]. I think
> U-Boot doesn't support this machine in mainline though.
Rackable, while good, is only part of it.  The main part is remote
management.  I'm not seeing any mention of ipmi or anything like that in
the datasheet?

2G is also way too little memory these days for a new buildd.


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