* Michael Hudson-Doyle:

>  (but then, dpkg is not
>  impacted by the symbolic link issue as far as I know).
> Is this problem written up somewhere? I only subscribed to libc-alpha
> a few weeks ago.

I've written about it in various places.

As far as I know, it's specific to how RPM performs package updates.
Files removed in an update are only removed towards the end, after all
work on *all* packages has been done.  With the previous approach,
this means that when downgrading from glibc 2.29 to glibc 2.28, during
the update, there are files


RPM immediately updates the dynamic linker symbolic link target from
ld-2.29.so to ld-2.28.so.  But if ldconfig is invoked, it will prefer
libc-2.29.so over libc-2.28.so as the provider of the soname libc.so.6,
and update the symbolic link and cache to point to libc-2.29.so.  That
is of course no good once the downgrade is finally completed and
libc-2.29.so is removed.  The dynamic linker and the libc.so.6 symbolic
link can also become desynchronized, and then failures happen earlier
during the update procedure.

I believe dpkg handles file removals during upgrades/downgrades before
running scripts, so it shouldn't suffer from this problem.  But I
believe the simplification is still worth it.


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