also sprach Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.11.10.0010 +0100]:
> > There have been some very simple things that I've needed to find
> > solutions to with postfix in the past which I ended up having to
> > do with procmail that I can now deal with in ~ 3 lines in the exim
> > config.
> my guess is that you just know exim better than postfix, so things that an
> experienced postfix user would find easy aren't as easy for you as just using
> exim.
> all of the things you listed as benefits of exim, my first thought was "but
> postfix does that (and it does it better :)".

You are not seriously arguing this, right? The exim routers are far
beyond what postfix can do. IMHO, they are far beyond the job of an
MTA, so it's more a plus for exim than a minus for postfix.

Anyway, if you are so confident about postfix, then maybe you can
teach me how to set up spamassassin to run under the local user's
identity, and how to route messages based on the sending address
(for SPF reasons).

> ps: i've used pretty nearly all of the free software MTAs (and
> some not-so-free, like qmail) over the last 15 years.

So have i, but i miss in your list a mention of exim. I have also
never used exim because I had settled on postfix through much the
same path (I also checked out zmailer in between) as you and was
thoroughly happy, before Phil Hazel published the first usable exim
(3.0, in the middle of 1999 IIRC). Thus, I try to avoid
categorically arguing that postfix is better. I like postfix and do
not feel like starting from scratch with another MTA, otherwise
I might well inspect exim more closely.

In any case, I think among the strongest points for postfix are
Wietse Venema, Wietse Venema, Wietse Venema, and Ralf Hildebrandt
(as well as many other folks on postfix-users). If you look at
Wietse's code, you'll see that it'll be hard to suggest improvements
to the logic. From cursory looks at exim, I could not come to the
same conclusion, /usr/sbin/exim was setuid root last I checked.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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