
It seems like tora, my regular sponsor for eclipse, vanished :( If you
happen to be here tora, please speak up!

If someone would be so good to upload the eclipse packages to
unstable, I would be really happy. They currently are not going into
testing due to different problms, on of them being that there is a
outdated version of eclipse 2.1-5 lying around on the mirrors. I
really like to get eclipse into sarge...

avdyk is curently trying to build them under PPC, but I also need
packages for i386. avdyk curently has got a problem with XML based
packages while building, which I think is some problem with ant 1.6,
but I couldn't get my hands on the real problem yet. So I would be
really thankfull, if someone could upload a i386 version to unstable.

You need to upload the changes for both the 2.1.2-2 and 2.1.3-1
release, as none of them were uploaded to unstable yet. Something
along this lines should get that done:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -B -v2.1.2-1 -k<yourKeyID>

Miss the '-B' if you are doing the first upload :) I would prefer a
i386 upload first, build with a 1.4 sun derived JDK. But that's up to
you :)

As the 2.1.3-1 package have some bigger changes in the package
structure (see my mail to debian-java), I would also like to get some
more testing. It works fine here, but I may have overlooked something.

The complete changelog since the last uploaded version to unstable:

eclipse (2.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New Upstream version: Again, only bugfixes, no new features
  * Remove patches integrated upstream.
    . new-cvs-response.patch
    . org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.patch
    . 00-PDE_build_with_NLS.patch
  * Updated eclipse-javac links for ant.
  * Removed ant dependencies and include the jars from upstream. This is
    due to the problem, that debians ant is now 1.6, but eclipse requires
    1.5 ant. As the 3.0 version changes this anyway, I didn't bother to
    patch this: this is too much work and too less result (xerces and tomcat
    are also taken from upstream source).
  * Introduced 3 new packages: lib*-jni, which includes all native
    compiled parts from the corresponding Java packages. (closes: #232882)
    . Conflict and replace older versions to force them off the system
    . Compile this parts in it's own target, so that arch binary only
      releases are a lot faster. (closes: #232852)
  * Add some info to the libswt*.README.Debian re compiling the jars
    to native libs with gcj. (closes: #232011)
  * Removed one desktop file, as this is not anymore needed since kde 3.2
  * Sidenote: kaffe is now able to do rudimentary startup.

 -- Jan Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:28:29 +0100

eclipse (2.1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added a note to NEWS, that the install can fail, if sablevm ends
    up being the only JVM for eclipses config app. Also added some note
    to the postinst scripts. This is a bug in the java policy, as I cannot
    exclude sablevm from the /usr/bin/java alternative, which the postinst
    uses as the last option. Workaround is to set JAVA_HOME to a working
    JVM before doing the upgrade.
  * Tighter dependencies between packages, so that upgrades will work.
                                                          (closes: #229587)
  * Added patch to work around problems with latest cvs.  (closes: #231135)
  * Make /usr/bin/eclipse -nl aware and use LANG to determine the to be used
    language. To change that independly from your normal settings, add
    LANG="..." to your $HOME/.eclipse/eclipserc           (closes: #231464)
  * Tried to remove as much whitespace changes from the 'addsite' patch as
  * Removed the '#!/bin/bash' from startup function: its not meant to be
    executed, only sourced.
  * Added my name to the copyright.
  * Added debian package version to version string, which is shown in
  * Readme.Debian: s/artikel/article/g. Thanks to David N. Welton for
    spotting it.

 -- Jan Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri,  6 Feb 2004 21:35:36 +0100

 The package is available as source from
deb-src http://www.katzien.de/debian/eclipse ./
-> apt-get source eclipse-sdk

Thanks a lot for your help! I really hope that I can get this version
into testing...

Jan Schulz                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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