On Friday 27 January 2006 13:59, Richard Wegner wrote:
> Hi there,
> I recently had Debian 3.1 unstable version on my system, but my X
> windows kept on going bad.  I did some diagnostics and found out that
> my video card was one of those that it didn't really like that much. 
> What I am wondering is for some suggestions for a video card that
> does work quite well with Debian 3.1 unstable with high resolutions. 
> With the current one I have, it currently goes only 800x600 on my
> resolution no matter what I try and do.
> I had to revert to Mandrake 10.1 Community Edition for the time being
> till I can find a good enough video card that will work.
> My current video card is a GeForce 2 FX 5200 with 128mb onboard video
> RAM.
> Thanks...BTW, the only CD I have for my Debian system is my Network
> Install CD (which worked great).  Thanks...

If  you have a Geforce FX 5200 then that card is more than enough to run 
1024x768 I used to run my old one at 1600x1200 on dual monitors with no 
problem. What is most likely happening is that your vertical and 
horizontal refresh rates in your X config as set too low as they always 
are during install thus preventing you from getting a higher 
resolution. Edit the section of the file that is similar to what I am 
posting below and put in the actual ranges supported by the monitor a 
quick Google search on the make/model of the monitor will usually come 
up with these numbers if you do not have the manual, once edited 
restart the X server.

# NEC P1250 +
Section "Monitor"
       DisplaySize      384   288     # mm
       Identifier   "Monitor0"
       VendorName   "NEC"
       ModelName    "P1250 +"
       HorizSync    31-110 # DDC-probed
       VertRefresh  55-160 # DDC-probed
       Option       "DPMS"  "true"
       Option       "BackingStore" "On"

You may also need to edit the Screen section to have the actual 
resolutions you want to use for the display colour depth you are using 
make sure that you put the "1024x768" at the start of the line like 

SubSection "Display"
                Depth     24
                Modes     "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"


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