Hello.  I have been thinking of writing with an external script into a 
konsole.  Searching through Google I have not found a lot of information 
about it, only references to feedSession (I think that is what I want) and 
others, that are not present in my konsole DCOP interface:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dcop konsole-4007 session-1
QCStringList interfaces()
QCStringList functions()
bool closeSession()
bool sendSignal(int signal)
void clearHistory()
void renameSession(QString name)
QString sessionName()
int sessionPID()
QString schema()
void setSchema(QString schema)
QString encoding()
void setEncoding(QString encoding)
QString keytab()
void setKeytab(QString keyboard)
QSize size()
void setSize(QSize size)
QString font()
void setFont(QString font)

        Any hint?

        Best regards,

Los sistemas me pasado los correos de las personas contradas pero los 
                -- Jesús Sanz de las Heras (RedIRIS).
Área de Internet - Network services
Mundinteractivos - El Mundo
C/Pradillo, 42 - Madrid (Spain)

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