tags 494640 + pending

Jeremy wrote:

> I don't believe I was missing any script because I first got this problem
> when running lh_chroot, then lh_binary.  However, I was doing many retries
> (mostly lh_build) on it previously, with only a lh_clean --purge in
> between.

First, thank you for your detailed report. I must also apologise for
accusing you of omitting a call (!) -- lh_binary does not call lh_chroot_apt.
I can also confirm the behaviour you describe.

(In fact, lh_binary cannot call lh_chroot_apt because the binary stages must
have a different apt_preferences(5) configuration than the chroot stage to
handle chroot_local-packages correctly.)

I've committed a change to live-helper in Git which fixes this issue.


Chris Lamb, UK                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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