On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 02:30:49PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I'm under the impression that any shared library *must* have
> > a SONAME.
> Yes, but "SONAME" just means the name of the .so file.

OK, now I'm truly confused.

I thought a "SONAME" was something embedded into the shared object
file.  As I understand things, the SONAME is completely independent of
the file name, at least in principle.  In typical practice, the
filename _is_ the SONAME plus some minor version digits.

For example, the file libz.so.1.1.3 has SONAME libz.so.1:

  steve@riemann{steve}objdump -p /usr/lib/libz.so.1.1.3 | grep SONAME
    SONAME      libz.so.1

> Policy uses
> this term incorrectly to refer to the extension of the soname.
> Saying that a shared library must have a SONAME is then equivalent
> to saying that it must have a filename by which it is known.

Are you saying that the intention of policy section 11.3 is to say

        if the library filename is libfoo.x.y.z, then please
        name the package libfoox 

That makes some sense.  If true, we need to correct the language
of the policy document.

> > If true, what is the procedure for packaging, say Inventor, that
> > builds two shared libs without a SONAME?  
> Assuming you mean it doesn't have an extension with an ABI version code,
> you can just package it as it is, with the knowledge that future updates
> to the ABI may break compatibility.  You should bug upstream about this.

I don't know what you mean by "extension with an ABI version code".

The situation is this.  The library is built in a file named
libInventor.so.  This file has *no* SONAME embedded in it.

I could simply name the package "libinventor".  

On the other hand, the source version is 2.1.5-7, so I could name
the package "libinventor2".  However, it would not contain the file
"/usr/lib/libInventor.so.2", as one should expect.

> > If, for the sake of argument, upstream is unwilling to commit to
> > a version number, should one just make it up?
> No.  Any precompiled third-party apps will need to use the official SONAME,

Ah, good point.  Thanks.


by Rocket to the Moon,
by Airplane to the Rocket,
by Taxi to the Airport,
by Frontdoor to the Taxi,
by throwing back the blanket and laying down the legs ...
- They Might Be Giants

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