Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-22 20:54:19 +0900]:
> What would be the point of restricting the shared libraries to
> within the software ?

The traditional argument is usually that shared libraries save disk
space.  If your have a large amount of code that is completely shared
between N programs then you have N copies of that code on disk.  By
using a shared library private to your application you can reduce your
disk space consumption needs to only one copy of that shared library
code shared between the various executables of your project.

But making a public shared library creates a public API which you are
now responsible for maintaining _forever_.  Anyone else that you do
not know about might be depending upon your shared library in their
program.  This restricts the things you can do.  If you are developing
and wishing to change even a minor thing such as a parameter type to a
function then you will need to make a major revision to your shared
library API otherwise you will break those other programs which are
using your shared library.

Public shared libraries are therefore a public contract that you
always have to think about when doing changes to the library.
Entering into those contracts should not be made lightly.  Keeping
them private avoids the contract and you now can develop and change
your library as you see fit and as long as your program is internally
consistent you are good to go and still save the N copies of disk

Or so the theory goes.  But is your program so large that disk space
for your executables is really a concern?  Has anyone filed any bugs
against your project that you are using an unreasonable amount of disk
space?  If no bugs have been filed because of that then I would reject
the use of shared libs to save disk space.


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