Andrew Stribblehill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-08 15:49:27 +0000]:
> I can see a number of ways out of it, but have no clear idea which is
> best:
> * Split the package into its component parts, such that each daemon
>   is in a separate package. Have an init script for each. The admin
>   chooses which daemons run by adding and removing packages.

This seems simple for the end user of the system.  It seems hard to
think of ways to complicate it.

Note that a previous thread had a discussion of this of daemon start
up scripts.  You might want to browse the thread, I suggest starting
here.  Although you are probably already well versed there.

> * Put a debconf message into the package warning that the behaviour
>   has changed. Write one init script. Allow the user to configure
>   which daemons start at boot-time by editing /etc/default/cfengine2
>   which contains RUN_CFEXECD=0; RUN_CFENVD=1; ...

May I voice an opinion against a gratuitous message saying that the
behavior has changed but without real useful value?  Those darn
"click-throughs" are a large part of the complaints against debian
packages during an install.  May I suggest that if at all possible
avoid needing user input during the installation.

Especially for a program such as cfengine which gains usefulness on
larger sites with many hosts.  Trying to install something with a
"press enter to continue" on a thousand hosts such as a large cfengine
user might need to do would be extremely tedious.  If at all possible
please allow the package to be installed non-interactively.

> * As above, but manage /etc/default/cfengine2 by debconf. If I do
>   this, must this file not be a conffile?

As a system user when I have had to tinker with files in /etc/default
I have always hated not having a backup of the file.  If I break it
how can I restore it to a package default?  apt-get --purge remove and
then install?  Yuck!  Even apt-get --reinstall install is not the most
pleasant way to deal with this since then AIDE/Tripwire alarms will be
triggered for the non-configuration files changed.

May I suggest keeping a clean copy of any file that the user might
modify in /usr/share/doc beside the package documentation?  That way I
can always diff between my local customizations and the package
version and it gives me an easy way to see what I have changed.

> * Write three init scripts and keep them in the same single package.
>   Has this got a precedent?

This seems functionally to be no different than your suggestion to
have one init script which decides which of the three to start.  But
it suffers from being more complicated.

Just my two cents...


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