Peter Pentchev wrote:
> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 12:26:52PM +0300, Yavor Doganov wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gnustep-base".
> Uploaded, thanks!

Many thanks for sponsoring and congratulations for becoming a DD!

> A small idea for the future: adding a debian/upstream/metadata file
> might be nice.

For the time being I am ignoring this in all my packages because:

- the DEP is not accepted yet so there might be changes in the
- I hope it won't be accepted, ever.  It is actually useful only for a
  (small) set of packages.

> Please feel free to contact me directly for future uploads.

Thanks!  Do you mean for gnustep-base only or for the whole GNUstep
stack?  If it's the latter, I've got three other RFS (#898363, #898403
and #898534).

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