Boyuan Yang wrote:
> I took a look at this package.

Thank you!

> If you are not a Debian Developer and you need commit permission,
> please tell me your Salsa -guest username and I will grant you with
> such permission.

My Salsa username is yavor-guest, thanks.  I'll push the -14 changes
as gradual commits.

> (zapping:30767): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 19:52:58.346: Settings schema 
> 'net.sf.Zapping.plugins.teletext.window' does not contain a key named 'view-
> menu'

> Please fix this problem.

Hopefully fixed; I reuploaded the updated package to mentors.
(I'm not removing the moreinfo tag as I expect there is a truckload of
other problems.)

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