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On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 03:52:41PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> One of the world's oldest board games: Go  W'ei Ch'ei  Baduk
> One of the net's oldest servers: The Internet Go Server
> The best client software available, regardless of platform...
> xgospel-1.12d
> I've got the source unpacked in a very clean 2.2r2 dist.
> I do not have any X installed (I figured it should be clean, too).
> I know I want a xgospel_1.12-4.deb and xgospel_1.12-4.dsc
> I have been employed as a unix sysadmin and much more recently, perl
> programmer (and even more recently, my first C project)
> And I have time.
> xgospel is an Xclient and does not play Go itself.
> JoshNarins "ahem, I'm sure there is no excuse" at AOL dot com
> P.S. Has anyone written about eParliamentarianism?

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
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