On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 04:46:20PM -0400, Bob Hilliard wrote:
>       Thanks, Julian.  This works like a charm, but Lintian has the
> following objections:
> E: dict-web1913: no-copyright-file
> W: dict-web1913: prerm-does-not-remove-usr-doc-link
> W: dict-web1913: postinst-does-not-set-usr-doc-link
>      Will the Lintian error prevent it from being installed?

Shouldn't do; there is no content there to need a copyright.



         Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
       Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://people.debian.org/~jdg
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com/

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