On 19 Jan 2002 00:02:18 -0500
Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,

> I am not a Debian Package Maintainer (as of yet).  And this is probably
> not the right mailing list for these questions.  If not, please let me
> know so I can move the discussion to the right place.
this is the right list =)

> First question (of many to come):  using dpkg-buidpackage, I use the
> option -k<gpg key id> and sign the package successfully (I think).  How
> on earth do I check to see if the .deb is signed and correctly signed? 
> During the process of the build, it asks me for my secret key/code and
> it says it was successful but I do not see my (gpg) signature anywhere.
you signed the .changes and the .dsc files (you could have found this out by 
carefully reading what was printed on your terminal, btw)

> Second question:  I am making a .deb that is for any platform (it is a
> perl script/config files.  But when I do the dpkg-buidpackage it makes
> the deb blahblahblah_i386.deb although in the config files I have stated
> that is for any platform.  What am I doing wrong?
set Architecture: all on your control file and build you package on the 
binary-indep target of the debian/rules file (and don't forget to read policy 


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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