Marco Presi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-08 22:45:23 +0200]:
> I am  packaging a  multiple binary from  a single sources.   The two
> binaries provides the same server functionality and differs just for
> compilation options, let's say:
> "server" and "server-enhanced".

Are they overlapping packages, that is shipping the same files?

> My  problem  is this:  for  the  two packeges  I  want  to have  two
> different  man  pages (in  fact  "server-enhanced"  has more  config
> options that "server") but it would nice if the man pages could have
> the same name ("server.conf.5")
> I don't know  how to resolve this, because in the  /debian dir I can
> put just one file named "server.conf.5"

It sounds like one package should "conflict" with the other.  That way
when one is installed it will remove the other.


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