Holger Kubiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> immo vero scripsit:
> But I have another problem: When I build the package with debuild there is
> no problem, when I build with pdebuild, all scripts (one bash, one perl)
> in /usr/bin are not executable.

diff does not maintain executable bits.
So, any file that is in your debian diff will have no executable bit set.

It's a common mistake.
Set the executable bit in your build, or call them like:

/bin/sh some-script.
/bin/perl ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423  7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4
Libpkg-guide: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/

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