Devin Carraway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-22 01:35:32 -0700]:
> I'm working on a package containing several executables, whose common
> functionality lives in a few shared libraries.  They're linked in the
> usual way at compile time.  Policy says they should live in
> /usr/lib/packagename/, but I need to make them available for the runtime
> linker.

Is there a dependency that you continue to provide the shared
libraries?  If so then they should be in /usr/lib and should be public
shared libraries.  Private shared libraries really don't make much
sense to me.  There are specific uses but not typically.

If they are truly local to the package then I personally would convert
them from being a shared library to being an archive library.  Then
you remove all of the shared library issues you are facing right now.
The changes would all be local in the build environment, i.e. the
Makefiles, and you can manage that easily for the build.  Your
executables would then only need the normal shared libraries of the
system and you would be on easy street.


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