John Lightsey wrote:
> If anyone with a non-x86 machine would like to take a look again and give 
> feedback on wheter or not it compiles properly, I'd really appreciate it.  
> The build logs that I recieved were very helpfull.

I grabbed that and gave it another run.  There are still -O9
references in the  The was cleaned up and so
if the was regenerated or patched then that problem would
be resolved.  Those caused gcc to SIGSEGV during the compile.  I am
running a slightly old gcc-3.3 at the moment and that might be fixed
already.  But I believe you need to either regenerate the Makefile or
force a distclean at the start.

Removing those -O9's from the Makefile and without that everything
compiled.  There were however a number of pointer / integer which need
to be looked at.  I will send the trace to you directly.


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