John Skaller wrote:
> (a) it does not provide binary packages
> (b) apt tools can't build from source
> The latter is exceptionally annoying (which I consider
> a very polite form of what I'd like to actually say ;)
> Is there a tool which does that?
> I use Synaptic GUI tool, it would be nice if a tool
> like that could build from source transparently.

Have a look at apt-src.

  apt-cache show apt-src

   apt-src is a command line interface for downloading, installing, upgrading,
   and tracking Debian source packages. It makes source package management
   feel a lot like using apt to manage binary packages, and is being used as
   a testbed to work on adding source dependencies to Debian.

   It can be run as a normal user, or as root. If you want a convenient way to
   track updates to packages while preserving your local modifications, this is
   a way to do that.

Note that I have not actually looked at it myself yet.  It is on my
todo list.


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