On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 11:17:58AM -0700, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> Some of the mentors gave me a hand on a previous post where I asked
> about packages with conflicting dependencies. I am now trying to track
> down the problem, so I can solve it for myself and other Debian users.
> (Its not a popular package, but there might be someone else pulling
> there hair out over it...)

> I think I've got a good handle on the concepts, but I'm still having
> some trouble. I was hoping to provide some more specific details in an
> effort to get a little more help. (I did download the Debian Policy
> Manual, and I will give it a thorough reading through.)

> I believe the package with the problem is "libsvn-javahl", which
> provides a Java wrapper to SVN. When I select this package for
> installation it tells me the following packages will be removed:

> g++
> g++-3.3
> glade-gnome-2
> gnome-common
> libc6-dev
> libstdc++5-3.3-dev
> libstlport4.6-dev
> libtool
> locales
> openoffice.org-dev

The issue is that you are trying to install an etch package onto a sarge
system.  We promise that this should always be possible (it's a
release-critical bug if not), but there is *no* guarantee that doing so
won't force the removal of other packages.

If you want to keep these packages around while installing libsvn-javahl as
well, I recommend one of two things:

- do a dist-upgrade to etch first, then install libsvn-javahl
- try to install libsvn-javahl on the same command line as the other
  packages listed above, forcing apt (aptitude or apt-get) to find a
  solution that lets you keep them all.

This is definitely off-topic for -mentors, though; if you need further help,
please see debian-user.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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