On Sunday 21 September 2008, you wrote:
> On Sunday 21 September 2008 16:36:21 Michael Renner wrote:
> > Moin,
> Guten Tag,


> > I managed to build a font package that installs and uninstalls without
> > problems. Therefor I checked how the xfont-base package works. But while
> > there is a FontPath entry for /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc in
> > /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is none entry for the new directory
> > /usr/share/fonts/X11/sgi.
> >
> > How does this entry be generated by the postinst script?
> Basically you should not touch configuration files provided by other
> packages.
> > Somehow with dpkg-reconfigure and debconf and dpkg-reconfigure, but how?
> Not that I'm a xfont expert, but you might want to look at
> ttf-bitstream-vera and ttf-dejavu source packages; afaics they call
> fc-cache and defoma from their maintainer scripts; that would suffice imho.

Thanks for your answer.
It seems to me that deforma can not handle the pcf font format for bitmaps. I 
only see support for type1 and ttf.

|Michael Renner      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|D-81541 Munich      Germany        ICQ: #112280325 |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

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