On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 09:11:36PM +0100, Laurent Guignard wrote:
> Is there any means to know if someone work on a bug from RC bug ?
> rc-alert or popbugs show all RC bugs of our packages but if someone is
> already on, it isn't necessary to work to solve the bug.
> Are all works in progress referenced somewhere ?

There's no real "This is being worked on" flag in the BTS; the problem with
a flag like that is that if someone gives up or has to stop working on the
bug there's no guarantee that they'll be able to or care enough to remove
the flag again.  It's courtesy to perhaps send an e-mail to the bug saying
"I'm working on this, I should have a fix within $TIMEFRAME", but it's
certainly not something you can rely on happening.

In practice, it's very, very rare for there to be collisions in bugfixes,
except in specific instances like bug-squashing parties (when there are
protocols in place to minimise problems).  There's plenty of bugs to be
fixed, and not that many people actively working on them, so I'd be inclined
to not worry so much about possible duplication of work and just dig in and
fix something that you think needs fixing.

- Matt

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