Erik de Castro Lopo <> writes:
> Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Yeah, that sounds like a good Lintian exception.

> I see no good reason to make lintian aware of this particular
> exception. It might however make sense to make lintian ignore any file
> named license* if that file is a binary file.

We have a ton of exceptions already by file extension, so it's trivial
to add another one.  Given your description of an *.hi file, I have a
hard time imagining anything named copyright.hi or license.hi will be
anything other than a false positive.

>> I think you may be confusing me with someone else.  :)

> Ooops, yes. It was a Brandon S. with your surname. Sorry about that
> :-).

Ah, yeah, that happens.  :)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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