On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 09:55:42PM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> > what do you think about:
> > 
> >   -$(MAKE) libs_opt;
> mmm, this will try to build libs_opt, and not exit if an error was
> encountered, isn't it ? 

not exactly.
The debian/rules file is a Makefile, that run 'make libs_opt' that is
another makefile.
When 'make libs_opt' try to invoke ocamlopt it exit when an error, so no
time consuming unneeded compilation, but the calling makefile
(debian/rules) not exit due to strange error code from executed command.

I prefer this solution cause it is more flexible, as an example the
native code compiler may change name but may continue to be not
available on m68k architecture.

Btw I've uploaded ocamlfind whith this solution and I hope it works
well ... but if all of you think that the test on ocamlfind is better I
change the debian/rules file....

        - Zack -

Stefano Zacchiroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ# 33538863
Home Page: http://www.students.cs.unibo.it/~zacchiro
Undergraduate Student of Computer Science at University of Bologna, Italy
SysAdm of verdicchio.students.cs.unibo.it (
        "Information wants to be Open"

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