On (13/05/04 00:57), Isidoro Reyes wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I am thinking about buying a new Powerbook. And i'm wondering about the 
> performance on linux. I mean, i'm not a linux begginer, i've been using linux 
> for serveral years, so i don't mind to spend mi time checking or compiling a 
> new kernel.
> I just need some good reasons to change to mac. I've been looking arround and 
> nobody can tell me or convince me.
> Thanks for advance.
> isidoro
Hi Isidoro

I'm not sure anyone will try to convince you ;)  However, I've used OSX
on my G4 and migrated to Debian a little over a year ago.  I guess the
difference is partially philosophical and partially useability.  I liked
OSX (10.2) but I found it annoying in its simplicity which provides less
flexibility and control.  Since using KDE 3+ on sid with all the other
attributes (virtual desktops, aptitude, mutt, firefox, openoffice, vim, mc
commander) I wouldn't want to go back.

More than anything, it's: you need an application? apt-cache search ???
et Voila download, install and configure in minutes and away you go!
Control over your environment and immediate access to thousands of packages.

In addittion, I've learnt so much over the last and that itself is a
good reason for me to use Debian.  



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