On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 10:08:32AM -0700, Eric D. Hedekar wrote:
> On about the last seven installs of woody that I've done on my Umax S900 I
> have been unsuccsessfull in starting the x-window-system.  The startx

FWIW, I gave up on trying to get X to play nice with the Twin Turbo
card. My S900 has the 8 MB version, and I could never get the display to
start up without looking screwball. The best I could do was a useable
desktop, but a completely messed up color map. It wasn't really an issue
since the box runs headless. I have a VNC server running on it for the
rare occasion I need to see the desktop.

If you like, I'll forward a copy of my XF86Config-4 file. If memory
serves, the imstt128 driver was supposed to perform better with the 4MB


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