On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 12:55:06PM +0100, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > Anyway, the point seems moot - the reason why there's no packages in
> > > Debian seems entirely political, if I read Sven's message right.
> >
> > Well, there are two issues, the fact that there are no packages in the 
> > archive
> > (for fear of persecution from the movie-guys or whateer), and the fact that
> Well, persecution for what reason? Is there non-free or patented code
> included? That's what they usually get serious about.

They sue teenager girls because their parents bought software like the kaza
stuff or whatever it was, so ...

> > mythtv doesn't build out of the box on powerpc.
> >
> > > Someone needs to build the Ubuntu packages for unstable and set up an
> >
> > Do the ubuntu packages build on powerpc ?
> Or so someone claimed on the list. I wouldn't know.

I have seen it run, but it was on gentoo using some highly patched stuff, not
really reproducible, the packages from MAtt zimmerman failed to build out of
the box.

> > > inoffocial apt-gettable repo, that's all. Or else, some developer needs to
> > > be convinced to set up an alioth project - to what extent politics might
> > > interfere there I don't know.
> >
> > None, as you only need to convince the alioth admins and not the 
> > ftp-masters.
> Let's first see someone build the Ubuntu packages for ppc. In case I
> wasn't clear enough - this is a job that can and should be done by any
> user interested in having MythTV for powerpc and capable of running
> apt-get source and dpkg-buildpackage on it.

I clearly fit this description, but then you need to add someone with time to
deal with it :)

> If that doesn't work, there's no point in bothering the alioth admins.

I disagree, a alioth project means a svn repo, which means people can
cooperatively work together on this, instead of a part of the work smoldering
on my offline harddisk for example.


Sven Luther

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