Hi !
Since I've installed ppc64 sid on powermac 7,3 G5, I encounter sudden shutdowns. These can happen very often if I use the machine, but they also happen when I leave it idle. It's a very strong reason not to use sid on this computer.

They aren't regular shutdowns and happen instantly, the filesystems are not unmounted and broken and so they have to be restored at the next boot. The only partition that isn't restored is the grub partition because of broken ppcutils on ppc64. I then use debian wheezy to restore it.

They happen randomly but seem to be somewhat linked to files access, as they sometimes happen when I'm using mate file selector.

I've looked into various system logs but can find any entry related to these shutdowns or the date they occur.

I don't think that they are caused by an hardware problem on my computer, because it runs absolutely fine in debian wheezy and osX.

Has anyone a clue to help me to track down the cause of these so that I can file a bug ?



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