On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 10:21 PM Diane Trout wrote:

> The fairly popular (in the world of bioinformatics) ScanPy package uses
> a Python version of the louvain clustering algorithm implemented by:
> However currently in the Debian archive there's a different louvain
> package

I think this is something that the two upstream projects should
discuss and come to an agreement on the right outcome, since the
current set of names is confusing and overlapping. Perhaps the two
projects will end up getting merged into one project, or one of them
deprecated or one or both of them renamed.

> I was wondering if the python3-louvain's binary package should be
> renamed to python3-community to match the python package name, and then
> the other louvain-igraph package could provide a bin package named
> python3-louvain which would match the package name.

There are no reverse dependencies in Debian, but this is going to be
tricky for users who previously installed python3-louvain.deb from
python-louvain upstream and then after upgrading they suddenly get
python3-louvain.deb from louvain-igraph with presumably an
incompatible API etc.



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